Grazie alla nostra professionalità riusciamo a fornire un servizio dedicato e di elevata qualità alla nostra clientela, cercando di imporci sul mercato offrendo assistenza a 360° e seguendo "passo passo" i nostri clienti durante tutto l'iter di spedizione.
La conoscenza inoltre delle principali condizioni di vendita, forme di pagamento e della documentazione necessaria per il commercio con i paesi esteri da noi serviti, ci permette inoltre di seguirvi anche per quanto riguarda la stipula di lettere di credito, piani di carico merce, emissione fatture di vendita etc. etc.
La fitta rete di uffici e agenzie partner del gruppo, diramate nei principali porti e aeroporti del globo, ci permette di raggiungere senza problemi ogni continente grazie all'utilizzo di ogni mezzo di trasporto (aereo, terrestre e marittimo) rendendo possibile il servizio "door to door" da e per ogni zona del mondo.
We have a wide experience in overland industry specific logistic solutions like pharmaceutical logistics, retail and automotive logistics by train, ocean or road. We have a wide experience in overland industry specific logistic solutions like pharmaceutical logistics, retail and automotive logistics by train, ocean or road. We have a wide experience in overland industry specific logistic solutions like pharmaceutical logistics, retail and automotive logistics by train, ocean or road. We have a wide experience in overland industry specific logistic solutions like pharmaceutical logistics, retail and automotive logistics by train, ocean or road. We have a wide experience in overland industry specific logistic solutions like pharmaceutical logistics, retail and automotive logistics by train, ocean or road.
We bring your goods safely to worldwide destinations with our great sea fright services. We offer LLC and FLC shipments that are fast and effective with no delays.
We provide full supply chain management package including cost effective and fast air freight. You can also combine this package with other means of transportation.
Need custom logistic service? We got it covered. From overland, air, rail and sea transportation. Fast, safe and accurate shipment provided all over the globe.
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Trucking offers intelligent warehouse solution. Lower your storage and good maintenance by using our modern and intelligent warehouses. You can see all locations on location page.
Don't know what mean of transportation would be right for you, or you need someone for full supply chain management? Please contact us. Our team of professionals will be happy to help.